Approval for skate park

David CharlesworthNarrogin Observer

Plans for an upgrade of Narrogin Skate Park are in motion, with council approving the tender for construction in its last meeting.

On Tuesday, November 8, Narrogin Shire Council approved the tender for the new facility to be constructed by award-winning skate park construction specialists Convic.

The new facility will feature different areas for progressing skills, with beginner, intermediate and experienced zones.

The council received an estimate for the cost of the project of $426,276, but the Shire’s allocated budget for the project is $408,460.

To bring the project within budget a number of changes were requested consisting of removing the $12,000 seating, $3333 bin and $20,000 shade shelter.


With these adjustments the estimate has been brought down to $390,943.

The project also included two future additions for the skate park, one of which the council decided to add immediately. An intermediate level bowl costing $50,000 may be added in the future, while a beginner level street run costing $35,000 has been added to the current construction brief.

Shire chief executive Aaron Cook said elements of the intermediate bowl were already present in the current design, which was why it had been held off as a possible future addition.

“There are facets of that that are in this new development anyway,” he said. “In effect there is a half bowl as it is.”

The beginner street run will be situated next to the existing shade shelter, allowing for parents to monitor their children, Mr Cook said.

The layout of the park will now have the skill levels progress in a connected pathway away from the sitting area, moving on to the intermediate and experienced areas.

“Beginners can then flow into the intermediate and then flow into the advanced,” Mr Cook said.

“It creates a safety and security subdivision for the kids as they get older and more confident in the skate park.”

To fund the addition of the beginner streetscape and pathway, $50,000 will be allocated from the Country Local Government Fund.

This funding was originally intended for a waste treatment irrigation system, but as this is unlikely to be used by its cut-off date in May next year, the Shire will apply to move the funds to the skate park.

Construction of the park is expected to begin in mid-January next year.

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