Six years in the making: Williams Men’s Shed officially opened

Isabel VieiraNarrogin Observer
Camera IconThe new Williams Men's Shed Credit: Morgan Hughes/RegionalHUB

Williams Men’s Shed members have settled into their new headquarters after the shed was officially opened on May 23.

Representatives from the Shire of Williams and Men’s Sheds of WA attended the opening of the long-awaited community hub.

The shed has been six years in the making after discussions began between the club and the shire to find a suitable site.

Construction of the shed on Brooking Street was completed just before Christmas 2021, with the members holding their first meeting in January.

Chairman Lawrence Rose said the members felt a sense of ownership over their new headquarters.


“It’s so much better now that we’ve got our own shed rather than using a borrowed shed,” he said.

“All the members feel as though it’s ours now, rather than borrowing someone’s else’s shed, even though we were paying rent.

“It really feels as though it’s our own shed now.”

The shed features a kitchenette, wood and metal work machinery, workbenches and solar panels.

Mr Rose said there was plenty of room for everyone to work.

“There’s a wide spectrum of fellas who are interested in different things, which is great,” he said.

“Several of the members who are woodworkers just love the feel of timber, the grain and the colour.

“Then there are a few members who think if it doesn’t go ‘vroom vroom’ with a motor on it, then it’s not worth looking at.

“The best thing that we probably do is sit down and talk.”

Mr Rose said that without the help of the community, the group would not be where it is today.

“The new shed has already generated some new interest,” he said.

“It was really the shire that got us going in the end with the huge grant, that really got the ball rolling.

“There have been lots of people who have contributed more than they needed to and all those little things locals have contributed have made a big difference.”

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