Letter to the Editor: ‘Shameful treatment’ caused iconic Albany business Snowball Auctions to close

I was extremely disappointed when an iconic Albany business, Snowball Auctions, closed its doors in early July.
I was shocked but not surprised. I have been a weekly customer of this business for more than five years, either selling my excess collection of eclectic items or buying more items to admire.
But I did notice that the number of items auctioned each week declined rapidly when the shire totally closed off the main entrance to this business for many weeks due to “roadworks”, leaving only a back entrance for customers.
The business’ demise was probably exacerbated when, I believe the rent for the building was substantially increased.
These factors would have had a major impact on the financial situation of the business that had been operating in Albany for so long.
I can remember going along as a child with my grandfather and then as a young adult with an uncle, and I am closer to 70 than 60 years of age.
To the City of Albany, shame on you for this major disruption to a local business; to the owner of the building, shame on you for not supporting local business.
Ross Ramm, Bayonet Head
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